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Integrating Training & Mentoring RC A S H S O

28 Mar 2022

Integrating Training & Mentoring Integrating Training & Mentoring RC A S H S O C I A L S C I E N C E + H U M A N I T I E S G R A N T W R I T I N G S U P P O R T WO R K S H O P S E S S I O N # 2 – M A RC H 4 , 2 0 2 2 P R E S E N T E D B Y K Y L A R E I D M A N A G E R – R E S E A R C H S E R V I C E S & I N I T I AT I V E S FA C U LT Y O F P U B L I C A F FA I R S , C A R L E T O N U N I V E R S I. [...] KYLA REID (CARLETON UNVIERSITY) How might you need to extend training and mentoring to non- university students: ◦ Community members ◦ College students ◦ High school students/youth Community The choice to train/mentor non-students should be justified by Capacity the specific needs of your project. [...] The same questions apply in developing a training/mentoring Building plan for non-students:◦ How many trainees/mentees do you need? ◦ What will their roles/responsibilities be? ◦ How will they be trained, mentored and supervised to do these tasks successfully? ◦ What skills will they develop in the process? ◦ Why are these skills and experiences of value to the trainees? KYLA REID (CARLETON UNIVER. [...] Ensure that all team members are doing their share of mentoring – and attend to issues of the “equity tax” KYLA REID (CARLETON UNIVERSITY) EDI Best Practices for Creating an Inclusive Training Environment Ensure that all team members lead by example in their language and attitudes to ensure a safe, respectful and supportive environment Address any conflicts or issues that arise swiftly and in a se. [...] KYLA REID (CARLETON UNIVERSITY) Integrating Training & Mentoring What is Training & Mentoring? SSHRC’s Guidelines on Effective Training & Mentoring Slide Number 4 Student Training Community Capacity Building Slide Number 7 Slide Number 8 Some notes on EDI EDI Best Practices for Recruitment of Trainees EDI Best Practices for Developing Trainees EDI Best Practices for Creating an Inclusive Training.


Kyla Reid

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