cover image: Social media and internet usage rates on employment outcomes among newcomers in Canada


Social media and internet usage rates on employment outcomes among newcomers in Canada

21 Mar 2022

This paper provides evidence from the 2018 Canadian Internet Use Survey on the effect of social media usage, internet usage for employment search and internet usage for training purposes on the employment of immigrants relative to the Canadian-born. [...] A large part of the growth in social networking and social media users is probably due to the influx of immigrants from countries where social networking and social media penetration rates and levels are much higher. [...] The p-value in the last column of the table identifies, based on a two sample proportions z-test, whether there is a statistical difference in the percentage of immigrants' performance of activities using social media compared to the percentage of native-born Canadians. [...] The summary statistics for each of the variables used in the regression models are provided in table A3 of the appendix, and the results of the five regression models are provided in table 3. [...] The outcomes of this decision are expected to impact labour market outcomes in the far right of the diagram, where some of the labour market outcomes to consider are relative salary/earnings, the education-occupation mismatch and the employment rate.



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