cover image: Investing in a Health Research and Innovation Ecosystem Strategy: Submission to the Standing Committ


Investing in a Health Research and Innovation Ecosystem Strategy: Submission to the Standing Committ

22 Mar 2022

Investment in the digitalization of our health system that facilitates and encourages public engagement in the discourse surrounding health, research and innovation INTRODUCTION On behalf of Research Canada: An Alliance for Health Discovery, we thank the Government of Canada for its leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic, including recent investments in key areas of health research and health in. [...] It provides us with the knowledge and ecosystem is Canada’s network of tools to tackle health problems by enabling the postsecondary institutions, research development of new and improved ways of protecting hospitals, governments, incubators, and promoting health and of reducing disease. [...] Bold and transformative, versus incremental, change is required through the deliberate alignment of government priorities, policies, programs and investments across ministries to maximize the impact and potential of the health research and innovation ecosystem for all people living in Canada. [...] As health research partners and leading representatives for the patient voice, the challenges that health charities continue to face in the recovery phase threaten to compromise the public legitimacy and relevance of our research ecosystem. [...] Research Canada: An Alliance for Health Discovery 4 solutions for Canada and the world.4 A health research and innovation strategy for 21st century Canada must move beyond a view of these companies as simply vendors and producers to a model that treats them as true partners in health system development and sustainability.


Moira MacDonald

Published in