cover image: WHAT IS RURAL POLICY TODAY? - A pan-Canadian scan of policies for rural places


WHAT IS RURAL POLICY TODAY? - A pan-Canadian scan of policies for rural places

11 May 2022

Document the lead economic development ministry and request confirmation of the lead economic development ministry and the lead economic development strategies (both overarching and rural focused documents if available) by contacting the Premier of each region, and the general government contact email. [...] OVERVIEW OF PROVINCIAL AND TERRITORIAL STRATEGIES, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES The majority of strategies, plans and programmes impacting rural communities are focussed on the topics of economic development and natural resource management. [...] PROVINCIAL AND TERRITORIAL PROFILES This section provides individual profiles for each of the provinces and territories reviewed in this process, providing high level information regarding the lead rural economic development department/ministry, overarching strategies, plans, and programmes, a summary of the impact and reach of these activities, and a sample of recent news releases related to rura. [...] For each of the provinces and territories, a breakdown of the percentage of strategies, plans, and programmes, the nature of those approaches (sector specific, broad rural and targeted rural), and the percent rural content (high, medium, low) is provided. [...] OVERVIEW OF FEDERAL RURAL POLICIES Current approaches to rural economic development are piecemeal and fragmented, discontent emerging A reliance on resource extraction and export of primary resources as part of the colonization of Canada resulted in limited economic diversification in many rural regions, manifesting in a boom and bust cycle at various rates of growth and decline over time (Brannen.
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