cover image: Understanding and Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within Continuing Care Organizations


Understanding and Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within Continuing Care Organizations

29 Apr 2022

The report further moves on to examine barriers to be a system where white, cisgendered residents are and challenges including, power dynamics, exclusionary acknowledging and supporting the diversity among language, social and cultural dynamics, and generation- care providers and fellow diverse residents. [...] care homes understand and better meet the needs of the diverse individuals that live, work, and visit in long-term care home; 2) to explore the issues and barriers that hinder DEI within continuing care organizations; and 3) to develop 2 2. [...] This racially the silent witness to discrimination; (3) the interplay of and sex stratified workforce is largely a result of systemic hierarchy – differences in treatment based on their status racism, power structures, and gender binary thinking that within the organization; (4) the effectiveness of organiza- limit women and racialized minorities, which in turn, is a tional leadership and mentors. [...] Their findings suggest that language and dining preferences are one of the risk factors for barriers were the biggest obstacles in providing effective weight loss and poor food intake in older adults and immi- and adequate quality care to patients and that language grants living in continuing care homes. [...] and engage residents and care workers by having a • Discussions surrounding the history, culture, and country information booth, traditional food, music, language residents and care workers in the LTC and TV programs.
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