cover image: a watching brief on the topic of microplastics


a watching brief on the topic of microplastics

18 May 2022

The workshop included sessions on, the prevalence of microplastics in the environment; how to reduce the level of microplastics in the environment; evaluating human health exposure and risk assessment; and on how emerging science and technology could be applied to policy and decision making. [...] 2018 The Council of the Great Lakes Region in partnership with Pollution Probe hosts a Great Lakes Plastic Forum that brought together experts from government, academia, industry and the non-profit sector to explore the issue of plastics and microplastics in the Great Lakes; innovations in packaging, recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing of plastics products; and the policy/regulatory steps that a. [...] Lawrence Cities Initiative issues a press release for action on microplastics, calling on regulators and industry to remove microplastics from consumer products; to clean up microplastics in the Great Lakes; and to encourage mayors to educate citizens and businesses about the threat of microplastics to the waters of the Great Lakes. [...] The actions taken to reduce the impacts of marine debris in the Great Lakes over the 5 years of the plan are documented in their Accomplishments Report. [...] Ontario The government of Ontario continues to stay abreast of the issue of microplastics through on going work with researchers in the US and Canada to gain a better understanding of the sources, composition and fate of microplastics entering the Great Lakes.



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