cover image: Community Energy and Emissions Plan



Community Energy and Emissions Plan


The CEEP objectives are to: Define actions that support the 2041 OCP reduction targets and related energy-efficiency initiatives Identify opportunities to reduce energy in areas not addressed by the 2041 OCP Quantify the impact of these actions and determine the energy consumption and GHG emissions for the duration of the 2041 OCP Context Scientific evidence increasingly indicates that GHG e [...] The CEEP builds on this foundation with objectives to: Define actions that support the 2041 OCP reduction targets and related energy-efficiency initiatives Identify opportunities to reduce energy in areas not addressed by the 2041 OCP Quantify the impact of these actions and determine the energy consumption and GHG emissions for the duration of the 2041 OCP z/Richmo nd 2 4042672 Richmond Com [...] Passenger vehicles account for the majority of the community’s estimated transportation fuel use Commercial Buildings                                                                  36%   16 The Province of BC has developed the Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) initiative to provide inventories of community-wide energy consumption and GHG emissions for all municipalities and regiona [...] The primary driver on the energy and emissions forecast is population growth.18 In the simplest form, the increase in energy and GHG emissions will be directly proportional to the expansion in population. [...] The top line represents the theoretical increase of GHG emissions if the energy use and GHG emissions continue to grow in the fashion of the ‘status quo’ energy use (the way that energy was consumed at the time of the 2007 baseline. [...] 25 Richmond Community Energy and Emissions Plan 5 Framing the Action Plan 5.1 CEEP Vision (2010) During the CEEP Phase 1, the City established a vision as follows: The development of a Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) for Richmond supports the vision of the city as the most appealing, liveable and well managed community in Canada. [...] At the base of the pyramid is the actual execution of the actions as well as Implementation & Maniterimg the measurement of the impacts. [...] 27 4042672 Richmond Community Energy and Emissions Plan 6 Reduction Scenario This section first presents the results of a developed “reduction scenario” and then defines the detail of the strategies and actions used to develop the scenario. [...] The FTN defined in the mobility section of the OCP is an illustrative example to show the intent, and the impact of the arterial development strategy defined for the non-City Centre areas of the City. [...] The City will: work with BC Hydro, the BC Office of Housing and Construction Standards, and other agencies to evaluate the performance of new buildings within the City, identify causes of underperformance, and define a coordinated approach to ensure that code requirements are attained review internal City processes to improve energy performance of new construction Strategy 3: Improve the Perfo
sustainable development sustainability environmental impact conservation energy consumption
Richmond, BC
Published in
Richmond, BC
[January 2014]
Energy consumption Environmental impact Sustainability Sustainable development Conservation

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