The leadership of the Laidlaw Foundation’s Board and the commitment of the staff The year 2021 was eventful for the world and for the Laidlaw Foundation as well. [...] “We’ve created a safe “We want to provide a safe space for our youth to live, and heal, and grow, and start building that place for them to really open up and reconnect.” solid foundation for their future.” L A I D L A W F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 L A I D L A W F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 16 17 YOUTH YOUTH ACTION FUND - $1,757,145 YOUTH ACTION FUND. [...] In other words, of resources the philanthropic sector has and the level of violence that exists in our we must #MoveTheMoney so organizations get the big grants — the million-dollar city, I have fundamentally failed.” PHILANTHROPY TO END THE CYCLE OF grants — needed to end the cycle of charity and dependency. [...] Members at the table have found the “Deaf Youth Canada didn’t have the capacity to lead a collective impact initiative,” process validating, and although it is hard to see the gaps in the system, they are inspired to see themselves getting closer to action and to building the HUB. [...] This title is a nod to the Chiefs of the Indian Association of Alberta, who created the first Red Paper in 1970 in response to a statement from the Government of The impact of the report has been momentous.
- Pages
- 21
- Published in
- Canada