Atlantica Centre for Energy Submission on the Proposed Frame for the Clean Electricity Regulations


Atlantica Centre for Energy Submission on the Proposed Frame for the Clean Electricity Regulations

17 Aug 2022

By addressing these questions and feedback, the Centre hopes the transition to net-zero electricity in 2035 and the transition to net-zero emissions in 2050 will be as efficient and affordable as possible for residents and businesses in the Maritimes. [...] P a g e | 1 Atlantica Centre for Energy Submission on the Proposed Frame for the Clean Electricity Regulations Background The Atlantica Centre for Energy provides a unique forum for government, the education and research sectors, industry, and the community at large to foster partnerships and proactively engage in energy-related issues here in Atlantic Canada. [...] By way of example, the Centre has provided leadership in helping introduce small modular reactors and hydrogen as priority clean energy development opportunities in the Maritimes, including being the foundational partners in the establishment of the Atlantic Clean Energy Alliance and the Atlantic Hydrogen Alliance. [...] P a g e | 12 Atlantica Centre for Energy Submission on the Proposed Frame for the Clean Electricity Regulations Summary of Primary and Secondary Recommendations To help the Clean Electricity Regulations meet all three core principles by ensuring grid reliability and affordability for homeowners and businesses while meeting net-zero electricity emissions by 2035, the Atlantica Centre for Energy pro. [...] The Atlantica Centre of Energy is committed to helping foster the development of the projects needed to green the Maritimes’ grid moving to 2035 and beyond and educating the public to ensure this transition is as understood and supported as possible.


Neil Jcobsen

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