The solution be developed that shows pedestrians the offers high impact as intersections are the directions to key landmarks in and near the source of numerous pedestrian safety BIA as well as the amount of time needed to concerns. [...] The City recognizes that internet use is an essential part of people's lives and understands the necessity of creating a framework to more easily capture important data encompassing the livelihoods of residents who face this issue and to evaluate the nuances behind the digital divide. [...] The services provided are designedfor users to share resources in a collaborative space, encouraging interdisciplinary As the city continues to deploy strategies to enhance public art throughout the city, partnerships and placemaking activities to there continues to be a lack of public art services outside of the downtown core. [...] The history of live music venues, ongoing team draws on expertise from the Daniels issues, such as gentrification and venues’ Faculty of Architecture, the Faculty of reliance on bar sales, have been Information, the School of the exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic Environment, and the Department of and pose an existential threat to their Geography & Planning to support ongoing vitality. [...] The registry should public to identify and understand what encouraging the development of trust in centralized source of information on the types serve to grow citizens' understanding of types of sensors exist in the places they the City’s technology management and of sensors that exist in the City and what sensors and their uses in the City, as frequent, and be able to access available around dat.