WORKING PAPER SERIES - Working Paper #2022 - 05 - A practical approach to meeting nation-

WORKING PAPER SERIES - Working Paper #2022 - 05 - A practical approach to meeting nation-

4 Nov 2022

mohnikei Thangaraj & Lipton, 2007 from the Palk Bay region from bycatch Multiple locations in both the Palk Identification of seahorses and pipefishes, Murugan et al., 2008 Bay and Gulf of Mannar region and estimation of their catches in fishing gear Three locations in the Gulf of Mannar Estimation of seahorse catches from the Gulf Murugan et al., 2011 of Mannar Multiple locations from Coromandel. [...] We then calculated (i) the number of fishers reporting presence/absence of seahorses in a given location and (ii) the proportion of fishers reporting presence/absence of seahorses compared with the total number of fishers who reported fishing in either Palk Bay or the Gulf of Mannar. [...] In the Gulf of Mannar, a greater number of fishers reported the presence of seahorses closer to the shore, near the southern portion of the Rameswaram Peninsula and along the northern section of the Gulf of Mannar (Figure 3). [...] In the Gulf of Mannar, fishers reported catching most seahorses along the coast and towards the seaward side of the islands of the Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park. [...] When we assessed the violations separately, we discovered that bottom trawlers reported fishing in 98% of the MPA (396 of 404 km2) and reported catching seahorses in 91% of the MPA (366 of 404 km2).

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