Two sympatric species are identified in the region; Macroramphosus gracilis and Macroramphosus scolopax The dynamics and the occurrence frequency of the snipefish seems to be partly governed by its food ethology that represents a crucial factor in the stock development This work aims to deepen the understanding of the trophic behavior of the snipefish through an analysis of its diet in relation to. [...] Since we have limited information of the reproduction of Oncaea, we examined the factors controlling reproduction of Oncaea by counting the number of eggs in female-carrying egg sac and estimated the egg production rates With considering the characteristics of the egg production of Paracalanus and Calanus, we will discuss the factors controlling the prey availability of small pelagic fishes in the. [...] In the present study, we analyse condition somatic and otolith growth of Sardina pilchardus larvae off the Portuguese coast at the beginning and in the end of the spawning season, in distinct environmental conditions At the beginning of spawning season (late autumn) larvae were less abundant and found mainly in the vicinity of land flushed freshwater restricted to the more productive and colder wa. [...] We will highlight here the importance of model aspects such as resolution and the parametrization of different physical processes in the results obtained from the Lagrangian model, discussing these effects in the context of sardine recruitment and connectivity of the Iberian Atlantic stock 38 SPF-2022 (S2 Oral 15302) Fourteen months of continuous acoustic measurements: The behaviour and biomass of. [...] Random forest modeling showed that the timing of spawning in each year was mostly influenced by the number of daylight hours and the cumulative degree days of temperature above 5 °C Oceanographic variables, such as the salinity at the time of spawning and the change in temperature and salinity in the weeks prior to spawning also played a role in moderating spawn timing The spatial distribution of.