cover image: Weak Personal Ideals Incline Proud People Towards Religious Radicalization

Weak Personal Ideals Incline Proud People Towards Religious Radicalization

23 Nov 2022

To the extent that strong personal ideals are necessary buffers against the appeal of radicalization, policy efforts to decrease radicalization that focus mostly on encouraging people to focus on practical and secular inducements will miss the mark. [...] The results revealed the same pattern regardless of the different manipulations and measures, however, so we collapsed the data and conducted a single analysis for economy of presentation and more statistically reliable and generalizable effects. [...] TSAS Research Brief was also significant (p = .001), and the weak-ideals/high self-esteem combination was the only one of the four possible combinations of those variables in which there was a significantly heightened religious zeal reaction to the threat. [...] The measures of weak ideals and self-esteem were the same as in Studies 1 and 2, but Study 3 used a self-report scale to measure participants’ stress over the past few weeks (instead of experimentally manipulating it as in Studies 1 and 2). [...] The test of the main hypothesis also revealed that, as in Studies 1 and 2, the simple effects of weak ideals on more SDO and RWA (p = .004 collapsed, p = .01 for only RWA, p = .02 for only SDO) were only present among proud participants who were under stress (i.e., not among any of the other combinations of esteem (high vs.


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