Ban the Halifax War Conference! Make Canada a Zone for Peace! - Toronto Picket


Ban the Halifax War Conference! Make Canada a Zone for Peace! - Toronto Picket

19 Nov 2022

Those gathering at the HISF are enemies of humanity's striving for the recognition of the rights of all as the crux of their aspiration to humanize the social and natural environment on the world scale. [...] Not out of sight is also the fact that NATO-educated and trained Chrystia Freeland is one of the people touted to be the new Secretary General of NATO, the first woman a faction of the U. [...] S./NATO warmongers, militarists and arms dealers wish to impose on the world's peoples by force of arms, a permanent state of war at the expense of the well-being of the peoples and the environment. [...] The Plenary Sessions are "on the record" while the Informal Sessions are held "off the record." The discussion in the "off the record" sessions is based on the Chatham House Rule which states that while participants are free to use the information from these sessions, neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers, nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. [...] Pavelic and the Ustase persecuted many racial minorities and political opponents in the NDH during the war, including Serbs, Jews, Roma and anti-fascists, becoming one of the key figures of the genocide of Serbs, the Porajmos and the Holocaust in the NDH.
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