cover image: "Québec Flagship" -- Hydro-Québec Loses Its Moorings - "Québec Flagship" -- Hydro-Québec


"Québec Flagship" -- Hydro-Québec Loses Its Moorings - "Québec Flagship" -- Hydro-Québec

5 Dec 2022

Hydro-Québec has lost its moorings as a result of the pay-the-rich schemes of subsequent governments since the early nineties when neo-liberalism set the direction of the economy to the detriment of the people, their society and nation-building. [...] To sell out the natural and human resources of the country and put them at the disposal of the U. [...] The Lesage government called a referendum on this nationalization project in the fall of 1962 under the slogan "Now or never, masters of our own country." The argument put to Quebeckers was that with nationalization, everyone would be able to pay the same electricity rate and control the development of this natural resource. [...] He had to deal not only with the resistance of the Indigenous peoples but also with the demands of the big Wall Street financiers who made it a condition of lending the money required by Hydro-Québec that the project manager for this gigantic project be the U. [...] Neo-liberalism and the National Destruction of the 1990s Since the early 1990s the buzzword has been "liberalization." The U.
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