In Greece, a new government pushes back against austerity [...] Prime Minister Stephen Harper on barriers to the “good life,” as Dianah Smith those of the authors and do not describes in a series of personal vignettes necessarily reflect the views of the January 30. [...] differential or premium), and prohibited decision, the Court ruled that the right This is now the base for collective any changes to the classification system to collective bargaining, including the bargaining in Canada. [...] According to the Supreme Court, “the The Court ruling also applies In a very unusual move, the Supreme conclusion that the right to strike is an federally—to a government with a Court has referred these cases back to essential part of a meaningful collective track record of attacking the rights of the provincial courts that ruled against bargaining process in our system of its employees. [...] General Employees, and the president of the the general public or to a part of the In 2009 the Harper government Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. [...] Because of the sector companies, unions, insurers and plan advisers, lack of trust and of information sharing between unions the study was able to delve into the experience of the and employers, it is unlikely to happen soon.