cover image: Dignity Podcast Script and Sources, Parts IV-VIII, Roxana Jahani Aval


Dignity Podcast Script and Sources, Parts IV-VIII, Roxana Jahani Aval

16 Aug 2021

The court stated that the “purpose of the Charter is to maintain the sanctity of life” and allowing a Charter violation would be inconsistent with s 7’s purpose.37 The case was appealed to the British Columbia Supreme Court where they upheld the Superior Court’s decision. [...] 1 of the Charter consistent with the principles of fundamental justice.38 The court held that the protection of the vulnerable was the legislative purpose of s. [...] 7 of the Charter.41 In other words, to submit someone to suffering because of the law is depriving someone of the security and choice over the timing of their own death, it is unconstitutional.42 The court was tasked with considering situations where a competent adult is unequivocally consenting to terminate their life, and have a grievous and irremediable medical condition.43 After the Rodriguez. [...] 15 of the Charter.67 The decision ultimately applies to Quebec only, since the decision was not appealed, and the court suspended the declaration of invalidity until Parliament can produce amendments based on the decision.68 Parliament responded to the decision in Truchon and created Bill C-7. [...] The court in Carter produced safeguards to explicitly protect the most vulnerable in society, that it was the objective of the court and the constitution to assure the most vulnerable in society do not suffer.


Roxana J.

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