cover image: WORKING VERSION



20 Jun 2022

For instance, many signing First Nations maintain that they did not intend to surrender the land, and instead meant to share the land with the government in a mutual relationship.51 Given the language barriers, misinterpretations, and the concept of land “ownership” that was culturally unknown to Indigenous peoples at the time of signing and very 14 different to the colonial understanding of owner. [...] Forty-five years after the into the environment) in the 6,300 square dumping was curtailed, mercury levels in kilometer ISPA since 2008, and for the the river remain in the highest risk duration of the Forest Management Plan category and in some areas close to currently in effect until 2024, this success Grassy Narrows the mercury levels in the is not yet secured in perpetuity. [...] (c) Surface Rights Restrictions Section 51(4) of the Mining Act permits the Minister by order to “impose restrictions on a mining claim holder’s right to the use of portions of the surface rights of a mining claim if, (a) the portions of the surface rights are on lands that meet the prescribed criteria as sites of Aboriginal cultural significance; or (b) any of the prescribed circumstances apply.”. [...] Like withdrawals, the Ministry states surface rights restriction should be applied to the smallest area of land necessary to address the concern regarding the significance of the site.126 Should a surface rights restriction be proposed, the claim holder is given notice and has 30 days to provide comments.127 Should the claim holder object or challenge the veracity of the identified site, the Minis. [...] The amendment request must contain: 1) a brief description of the need for, and nature of, the proposed amendment; 2) the rationale for the proposed amendment and a discussion of its significance; and 3) if new operations are proposed: a) a brief description of the proposed operations, and a description of the previously approved operations in the FMP or contingency plan that will be changed by th.



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