cover image: i n t r o d u c t i


i n t r o d u c t i

20 Jun 2022

For instance, many signing First Nations maintain that they did not intend to surrender the land, and instead meant to share the land with the government in a mutual relationship.51 Given the language barriers, misinterpretations, and the concept of land “ownership” that was culturally unknown to Indigenous peoples at the time of signing and very 14 different to the colonial understanding of owner. [...] Under the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), the Act sets out the legislative framework for the establishment and oversight of two forms of protected areas: provincial parks and conservation reserves.67 Areas that are designated as provincial parks or conservation reserves are listed in regulations under the Parks Act. [...] Forty-five years after the into the environment) in the 6,300 square dumping was curtailed, mercury levels in kilometer ISPA since 2008, and for the the river remain in the highest risk duration of the Forest Management Plan category and in some areas close to currently in effect until 2024, this success Grassy Narrows the mercury levels in the is not yet secured in perpetuity. [...] indigenous peoples and local communities: Inviting Elders, knowledge holders, building capacity and sharing knowledge women and youth to share their vision for indigenous peoples’ and community and hopes for the IPCA roots the effort conserved territories and areas presents a in the voice of the community.[100] A selection of practical resources, number of resources, excerpted in our developed by. [...] In an area home to millions of trees, hundreds of lakes, river and wetlands, and thousands of plant and animal species,[106] this is the first ‘mixed’ cultural and natural UNESCO World Heritage site in Canada and the largest protected area in the boreal of North America.



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