Small fish are still a relatively low-cost food in most countries of the world when compared to other animal-sourced foods, and can be purchased in small quantities, making them more accessible to the poor This workshop will focus on the post-harvest aspects of small pelagics and explore their contribution to the food security and nutrition of poor and undernourished populations in the developing. [...] Changes in prey availability can have marked consequences on the productivity of populations of predators Understanding en- vironmental drivers of the dynamics of SPF populations, therefore, requires knowledge of the abiotic and biotic processes regulating SPF prey fields as well as robust estimates of diet and prey requirements. [...] These changes could be due to extrinsic factors linked to climate variability and atmospheric forcing, and/or intrinsic factors such as changes in animal behaviour or adaptation to new conditions The consistency of shifts across ecosystems and regions is a harbinger of global-level threats to the resiliency of populations and ecosystems This session aims to explore resilience in the context of non. [...] The big unknowns on the The W and N Iberian pelagic feeding dynamics during ecosystem in spring assessed 16:10 Carola Hernández-Santoro the early life stages of small with Pelacus surveys: Changes in the reproductive pelagic fishes Environmental variability tactics of the anchoveta and spatio-temporal changes (Engraulis ringens) as in food web structure and compensation or adaptation to ecosystem. [...] Lluch-Cota 15 years of evolution of the Gulf of California small pelagics fishery MSC certification W6-P1 Katja Mäkinen Effects of maternal phenotype on egg quality in the Baltic herring at two temperatures W6-P2 Aarne Lauerma The effects of maternal thyroid hormones on the egg size, hatching success and larval properties of the Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) in the Baltic Sea W6-P3 Isab.