2022 Science Board Meeting Report


2022 Science Board Meeting Report

14 Dec 2022

Hannah Lachance presented the proposal of the Virtual International Open Science Training proposed and requested the travel fund for the selected participants to attend at PICES-2023 to demonstrate the obtained skill though the training. [...] In this context, we propose PICES establish SG- ARC to coordinate and integrate PICES scientific activities on the Arctic issues and to further advance the understanding of the Arctic system and linkages and impacts to the North Pacific. [...] To accommodate all of the qualified proposals, Science Board discussed the session/workshop schedule and agreed to hold up to 4 parallel sessions/workshops per day, and the possibility of change in the structure of the Science Board symposium which is normally scheduled during full Monday afternoon. [...] Wilson (Proposal submitter) Session description: In 1923, the Convention for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea was signed by Canada and the United States of America (U. [...] Preferable date of the Science event will be the last week (or near the very end) of the Expo as the PICES Japanese delegate also seeks the possibility to hold PICES 2025, which will be hosted by Japan, near the Expo venue soon after the end of Expo, mid-October, so that PICES participants can be engaged in the one-day event at Expo.


Sanae Chiba

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