cover image: Building a Race-Conscious Institution: A Guide for University Leaders Enacting Anti-Racist Organizat


Building a Race-Conscious Institution: A Guide for University Leaders Enacting Anti-Racist Organizat

18 Jul 2022

Antiracism is defined as the “measures and mechanisms designed by the state, institu- tions, organizations, groups and individuals to counteract racism”11 and “an active and consistent process of change to eliminate individual, institutional and systemic racism.”12 “Grassroots” activism and social justice movements have made invaluable contributions to the advancement of EDI and anti-racism advoca. [...] Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms describes the provision for the right to equality: “Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.. [...] Leaders and service providers interested in advancing EDI and antiracism should develop trauma-informed practices: • To recognize the widespread traumatic effects of racism on individuals and communities; • To acknowledge the impacts on holistic health and wellbeing of the targets of racism; • To consider the effects of trauma in the design and implementation of policies and in practice; • To avoi. [...] In the retrospective phases (assessment and baseline): • Surface the experiences and perspectives of racially minoritized communities • Review, contextualize, and build on previous reports and recommendations related to antiracism • Assess individual, structural, and cultural resources and readiness for transformative change • Work with key institutional offices to collect and report disaggregated. [...] Through courageous conversations that were led by the Department Chair and supported by the Faculty Dean and the EDI Advisor, the committee of the whole determined to make the following changes to the Bylaw based on a genuine belief in the shared purposes of the Department and University: • The committee of the whole sees the candidate profiles of those shortlisted by the delegated search committe.
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