Methods The objective of the rapid review was to identify strategies to protect individuals’ health during extreme heat events, to describe the effectiveness of those strategies for reducing health effects of heat, and to report the cost of these strategies. [...] Objective and Research Question The objective of this rapid review was to identify strategies to protect individuals’ health in times of high temperatures, and to describe the effectiveness of those strategies for reducing health consequences of heat, and cost of the strategies. [...] Due to the design of the studies and outcome measures, effectiveness studies exclusively reported the combined impact of concurrent strategies, or that of overall heat health action plans (that is, multiple interventions with special considerations given to the needs and contexts of vulnerable subpopulations), therefore the impact attributable of any individual extreme heat health adaptation strat. [...] Many studies reported underutilization or delays in the implementation of extreme heat strategies because of a persisting disbelief from both individuals and decisions makers of the seriousness of heat waves on health, a lack of awareness of or the inability to access cooling Adaptation strategies for reducing extreme heat health impacts 8 Study Type Patient risk pre-assessment and identification. [...] Factors affecting implementation or utilization highlighted the need for awareness and motivation in both individuals and decisions makers, as well as the capability, and opportunity to adapt, but the influence of population characteristics, setting or institutional factors, and the involvement of government and participating organizations on the development and implementation of successful extrem.