Rapport sur la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles acquises à l’étranger et les carri


Rapport sur la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles acquises à l’étranger et les carri

26 Sep 2019

69 ii Executive Summary In 2012, the Foreign Qualifications Recognition Working Group (FQRWG) commissioned a research study on Foreign Qualifications Recognition and Alternative Careers to contribute to a better understanding of alternative careers for Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs), to analyze the structure and delivery of effective alternative career supports, and to make recommen. [...] The Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications (FQR Framework) committed governments to take collective action to support and improve the integration of immigrants across target occupations who may choose to pursue an alternate pathway to a related career if their qualifications do not meet the requirements of their occupation in Canada and skills and/or ed. [...] Based on a synthesis of research findings, the study proposes a model for alternative career supports that takes into account the different alternative career needs of the eight target professions, the factors that influence alternative career choices, and the different alternative career pathways that IEPs may undertake. [...] The purpose of the research was to contribute to a better understanding of alternative careers for Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs), analyze how effective alternative career supports are structured and delivered, and to make recommendations to the FQRWG on next steps. [...] Another informant spoke of the need to change the mindset of employers: “There is a lack of understanding and employers are reluctant to bring in Foreign Qualifications Recognition and Alternative Careers 25 qualified IEPs at a lower level.” She emphasized the need to build trust so that employers know that IEPs that are referred by ISOs to fill positions are pre-screened and prepared.



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