

9 Dec 2022

In Budget 2022, the Government announced a new $20 million investment for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to ramp up efforts to learn more about dementia and brain health, to improve treatment and outcomes for persons living with dementia, and to evaluate and address mental health consequences for caregivers and different models of care. [...] Number of direct and indirect trainees supported through new and ongoing CIHR-funded dementia research projectsxv 2020–21 389 2019–20 375 2018–19 359 Objective: improve the quality of life of people living with dementia and caregivers The data points below report on ratings of quality of life by people living with dementia and dementia caregivers, and on care provider perspectives related to stigm. [...] In a 2021 engagement of dementia guidance users, most of the caregivers who participated reported that dementia guidance related to treatment and management is not easy to obtain and that people living with dementia and caregivers often do not know where to go to get reliable information regarding treatment and management of dementia, especially right after receiving a diagnosis. [...] Exploring the concept and experience of quality of life by seeking the perspectives of those living with dementia and dementia caregivers informs and helps to focus efforts in this area. [...] Deepening our understanding of quality of life As the World Health Organization notes, individual assessments of quality of life are subjective and made in the context of diverse cultural and value systems and are informed by individual goals, expectations, standards and concerns.lxxxv To inform our understanding of what quality of life means for people living with dementia through lived experienc.
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