Recommendation Information Special Report Name: Safe and Sound: A Special Report on the Unexpected Sleep-Related Deaths of 145 Manitoba Infants Date Released: 3/26/2020 Full Recommendation Recommendation One: (including details) The Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth recommends that the Government of Manitoba develop and implement an action plan, in consultation with First Nations and Metis. [...] The report had individual examples but no analysis of the issue of access to safe sleeping surface for the remaining 25%, did not include information or analysis of existing support in Manitoba to assist low income families in obtaining safe sleeping surfaces, or analysis showing issues related to access to these programs. [...] The implication of 1 in 4 infants dying without a safe sleep surface available in their home was deemed sufficient to recommend the government have a suitable action plan in place to ensure that all Manitoba families have access to a safe sleep surface, or at minimum have easy access to the information that supports families in knowing how to financially access safe sleep surfaces if needed. [...] Proper evidence is not provided that the Government of Manitoba understands the need for financial support for safe sleep surfaces, or that the available resources adequately cover the financial realities of accessing necessities for newborns. [...] Proper evidence is not provided that the Government of Manitoba understands the need for financial support for safe sleep surfaces, or that the available resources adequately cover the financial realities of accessing necessities for newborns.
- Pages
- 5
- Published in
- Canada