IPL Working Paper 2022-02 (Wolfe and Mhlanga)


IPL Working Paper 2022-02 (Wolfe and Mhlanga)

29 Apr 2022

The phenomenon of ‘increasing returns to adoption’ arises from a variety of sources, including: the greater the number of users of a technology, the more widely available it becomes and the greater the advantage of being part of the existing network of users, plus, the more widely used a technology is, the less risky it is to adopt for new users, and finally, the more widely it is adopted, the gre. [...] Overview of the Key Characteristics of Platform Firms The rise of the platform economy over the past two decades represents both a new phase in the development of the digital economy, as the organizational form of the platform directs an increasing proportion of economic and social activity through the platform itself (Kenney and Zysman 2020). [...] The runaway popularity of the World Wide Web, followed by the emergence of the app economy, the shift to cloud based computing, the exploitation of large data sets and data analytics, and the growing application of artificial intelligence techniques in the form of machine learning and deep learning to analyze the large data sets, all signify the unpredictable potential of digital technology to tap. [...] The phenomenon of ‘increasing returns to adoption’ arises from a variety of sources, including: the greater the number of users of a technology, the more widely available it becomes and the greater the advantage of being part of the existing network of users, plus, the more widely used a technology is, the less risky it is to adopt for new users, and finally, the more widely it is adopted, the gre. [...] asserts that the policy of the Biden Administration is to enforce current antitrust laws to address the challenges posed by innovative technologies, including the rise of the Internet platform firms, especially with respect to the question of successive mergers, the acquisition of potential competitors, the use of data, unfair competition in the market for users’ attention and the consequences of.
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