1,058 32% 49% 44% 32% 74% 51% 35% 64% 25%


1,058 32% 49% 44% 32% 74% 51% 35% 64% 25%

16 Feb 2023

YCWW Meanness EN ONLINE MEANNESS AND CRUELTY Phase IV of Young Canadians in a Wireless World Canada’s most comprehensive study on young people’s digital lives This data was collected during the COVID-19 pandemic amidst lockdowns and shifts between in-person and at-home learning. [...] with the person who with the person who was being hurt (33%) engaged (31%) with the person who with the person engaged (27%) who was hurt (26%) ADULT INVOLVEMENT When screen time is managed with t teecchhnnoolologgyical youth are more likely to experience, witness or engage in online meanness and cruelty Youth who are usually with an adult when they go online are lless likely to experience, witnes. [...] engage in online meanness and cruelty say they were 'just joking around' as motivation for engaging in online meanness and cruelty and more likely to... [...] respond when they witness online meanness and cruelty ask parents or guardians for help in situations of online meanness and cruelty SCHOOL RULES AND POLICIES 7 0 % of youth say their school has rules about cyberbullying 8 4 % find these rules helpful At school, youth typically learn about the rules and policies on cyberbullying through... [...] lessons in the classroom (45%) school assemblies (21%) handouts they take home (17%) LEARNING ABOUT DEALING WITH ONLINE MEANNESS AND CRUELTY 25% of youth want to learn more abouthow to deal with online meannessand cruelty Youth indicated that their parents they learn how to deal (57%) with it from....



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