cover image: Exploring Stranded Credit in the BC Transfer System


Exploring Stranded Credit in the BC Transfer System

28 Feb 2023

The issue of stranded credit is relevant to the BC Transfer System because of the role of the official transcript in the process of awarding transfer credit. [...] THE LEGAL CONTEXT OF STRANDED CREDIT A fundamental issue underlying stranded credit is whether the student or the institution has control or ownership of the student’s transcript, or of the credits the student has acquired that are documented in the transcript. [...] The survey included ques- tions about the types of debt that would result in a hold being placed on a student’s account, the effects of a hold on the student’s access to institutional services, and the extent to which stranded credit is an issue at their institution. [...] Since transfer credit is almost odological choice was made with the understand- always within the responsibilities of registrars’ offices and the focus of this study is on stranded credit specifically in relation ing that registrars might not have the full range of to credit transfer, the survey was sent to registrars rather than information to be able to answer all of the survey finance officers. [...] If the receiving institution is aware that the student is making payments on their debt at the send- ing institution, the receiving institution could consider awarding some or all of the transfer credit the student would normally receive, provided that the sending institution formally confirms the student’s academic record.
stranded; credit; financial; account; hold; transcript


F. McQuarrie

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