cover image: CITY CLERK 17 Request for Direction OPA and Rezoning Application 03 154613 ESC 35 OZ

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CITY CLERK 17 Request for Direction OPA and Rezoning Application 03 154613 ESC 35 OZ

27 Apr 2005

Clair Avenue East to the parking area on the adjacent church property accessed through the subject lands; the receipt of monies as security for the new access driveway and potential damage to the existing driveway; and the execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement all to the satisfaction of Director of Community Planning, East District, Urban Development Services.’ ” This Clause, as amended, was. [...] In an effort to address the concerns raised at the Scarborough Community Council meeting such as density, height, the location of the playground, snow storage and the spatial separation between the proposed development and the existing McDonald’s drive-thru facility to the south, the owner has modified the proposal. [...] The latest proposal locates the playground within the proposed townhouses on the northern portion of the development away from the garbage storage area. [...] The following staff recommendations contained in the Recommendations Section of the report are now public, and the balance of the report remains confidential, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, as it contains information related to litigation or potential litigation: “It is recommended that: (1) the City Solicitor be instructed to appear at the OMB with appropriate staff. [...] Clair Avenue East to the parking area on the adjacent church property accessed through the subject lands; the receipt of monies as security for the new access driveway and potential damage to the existing driveway; and the execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement all to the satisfaction of Director of Community Planning, East District, Urban Development Services.” Request for Direction OPA and R.
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City of Toronto

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