
A form is a document with spaces (also named fields or placeholders) in which to write or select, for a series of documents with similar contents. The documents usually have the printed parts in common, except, possibly, for a serial number. Forms, when completed, may be a statement, a request, an order, etc.; a check may be a form. Also there are forms for taxes; filling one in is a duty to have determined how much tax one owes, and/or the form is a request for a refund.



MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Approaching the novels of early Quebec through the counterintuitive lens of the sacred, Lisa Gasbarrone challenges negative views of these novels as dated and even unreadable for the contemporary reader. …

even as they interpret it as a mask for other forms of repression.19 In the postmodern spirit, I’d say through language and then subsequently through the forms of literary fiction. I can’t claim to have adopted highlight in my work are the diverse and inventive forms through which they explore the sacred and associated diarist Eugénie de Guérin, Conan privileges intimate forms of writing: the letter and the personal journal inability to transcend individual and collective forms of grief. Taken together, these topics constitute

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

The Great Right North charts the growth of far-right groups in Canada, illuminating how official and unofficial government attention generates the context in which they flourish. Breaking new ground by …

apprehending technology 131 5.1 Classification of forms of individual connection with the far right have emerged (and disappeared since), multiple forms of rule breaking have led to clashes with various their rise for Canadian poli- tics? How do various forms of government attention (extremism pre- vention indispensable to the proper study of the different forms far-right movements take and the intersection of latter are suffused with the symbolic and tangible forms of violence. This is not, however, always obvious

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Critic, translator, essayist, and gay man, Édouard Roditi (1910–1992) was a singular witness to the twentieth century. His writings over six decades are a unique account of a life lived …

experience of these varying re- ceptivities to poetic forms would surely have affected him. As a prolific and

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Slings & Arrows, starring Susan Coyne, Paul Gross, Don McKellar, and Mark McKinney as members of the New Burbage Theatre Festival, was heralded by television critics as one of the …

William Hazlitt’s (1778–1830) emphasis on how the forms and pat- terns of Shakespeare’s plays structure residual humanism. Instead of basing literary study on forms of contextualized close reading that are attentive oppressively authorial intention, communicating forms, values, and meanings connecting the past to the of Émile Durkheim’s insight about the elementary forms of religious life. According to Durkheim, “Once relationship between living and dead illusions, between forms of artifice that convincingly intersect with life

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Vancouver, British Columbia, now reports “no religion” as its leading religious identity, putting it in the vanguard of a trend happening across North America. What does this mean for the …

spirituality), and which cultural and organizational forms do these performances assume. After all, secular an end or telos that transcends all particular forms of action. This telos constitutes the primary purpose God and participate in God’s mission.”58 Early forms of urban ethnographic theology in Canada include organic overlap between every day and academic forms of theological knowledge is made apparent and nurtured descriptions from studying the data of Christian forms of institutionalization to comple- ment existing

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Sanctuary in Pieces documents the evolving nature of sanctuary in settler societies. Drawing on archival research and interviews in Montreal/Mooniyaang/Tiohtià:ke, Madokoro explores the history of protection and hospitality over two …

series is to advance in-depth examination of diverse forms, dimensions, and experi- ences of displacement, responses to refugees, internal displacement, and other forms of forced migration to illuminate the dynamics presented in “radically idealized and fantastic” forms that are quite different from their original scope and written with the understanding that western forms of sanctuary, whether in the form of church protection creating the possibility of genuine and welcoming forms of hospi- tality and protection. I also came to

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

Through detailed analyses of nineteenth-century spirit photography, horror films, ghost-hunting reality television, and the viral internet phenomenon “Slender Man,” Poetics of the Paranormal shows how the figure of the ghost …

were believed to be corporeal and assume several forms.”14 Graphic illustrations depicted ghosts as indistinguishable that celebrates photography and film as superior forms of sight that exceed human perception and thereby fantastic”: the undecidability of technologized forms of visual evidence.73 I argue, however, that Ghost

DDN: Dundurn Press · 15 October 2024 English

“Coren tells us the stories of his fascinating life with clarity, self-deprecating wit, and page-turning verve.” — STEPHEN FRY From England’s working class to high profile media personality, Michael Coren …

fascinated me, and I saw my love of history in living forms within the political machines and personal- ities

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

A thorough account of the cultural achievements of the anthropologist and media scholar Edmund Snow Carpenter.

declined from plural to singular, but also possessed forms alien to Standard Indo- European languages” (240) McLuhan in his article “New Media as Political Forms” (E3), where he writes that the sheer complexity coupled with “music and painting as technical forms of managing experience” if the new media are to acoustic space, or, more broadly, how oral cultural forms are being remediated in the post-literate culture

MQUP: McGill-Queen's University Press · 15 October 2024 English

The Past, Present, and Future of Canadian Cities explores the historical functions of municipalities, their current ability to tackle major problems, and how to unlock the potential of cities to …

of mandatory public edu- cation involved various forms of resistance, including violence and sophisticated to Sydenham’s municipal proclamation took many forms and was sometimes couched in tortuous language municipalities. Resistance to school taxes took many forms, from overt violence to passive avoidance. However

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