FY2024 Wilson Center Congressional Justification (002)


FY2024 Wilson Center Congressional Justification (002)

10 Mar 2023

5 Sampling of Notable Fellows and Scholars of the Center 6 Fellows at the Center Fellows at the Wilson Center work on projects that are relevant to contemporary policy issues and that align with the programmatic work of the Center; the work reaches a broad audience. [...] The activities for the Scholars and Academic Relations (SAR) office consists of personnel and operating costs for the Scholars Office and the Center’s Library. [...] In support of the Center’s mission to strengthen the fruitful relation between the world of learning and the world of public affairs on the model of Woodrow Wilson, the fellowship competition allows the most qualified individuals to continue to document and disseminate advanced knowledge among all people. [...] “Protecting Privacy and Autonomy of Voters in the Digital Era.” (Russia) Zarina Sautieva, Project Assistant, Project “Justice Initiative.” “The Ingush Case: The Society and the Authority, Political, and Social mechanisms of persecution and support of civil activists using the example of events involving the organizers and participants of the peace Ingush protest of 2018-2019.” (Russia) Nataliya Sh. [...] This global network of preeminent thought-leaders actively affiliated with the Center and its programs produce research and timely analysis, and help develop new avenues to amplify the mission and goals of the Center and its programming lanes of excellence.



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