Supplementary Materials  SP1 - IPCC AR6 Climate Projections Figure 1


Supplementary Materials SP1 - IPCC AR6 Climate Projections Figure 1

7 Mar 2023

The Replacement costs used in this study are based on the cost of design and construction of new infrastructure, whereas the Interruption costs were 6 Metric which relates the cost of CC impacts to the country’s existing road infrastructure. [...] If the costs of damage associated with SS exceed the value of the property, the authors assume that the property owner abandons the property. [...] If the projected cost of damage is less than the property value, and less than the costs of elevating, then the property incurs the cost of damage. [...] The warm colours in the tables below indicate the highest numbers and the cold colours the lowest numbers. [...] Populations are mostly concentrated in the Québec southwestern and the Gaspé portions of the corridor, the Alberta southwestern area of the corridor, the central corridor areas of British Columbia, Southeastern areas of Ontario and mostly scattered in the other provinces and territories.
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