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9 Feb 2023

26 ANNUAL REPORT 2014–2015 The first type of IT security activity involved CSE analyzing the computer system of a Government of Canada institution (i.e., CSE’s client) under controlled circumstances, and on the request of the client, to assess vulnerabilities and to test the reaction of the client environment to cyber threats. [...] The objectives of this review were: • to acquire detailed knowledge of, and to document, the foreign signals intelligence activities of the Cyber Support Detachments; • to determine whether CSE ensured that the foreign signals intelligence activities of the Cyber Support Detachments complied with the law; and • to assess the extent to which CSE ensured the protection of privacy of Canadians in act. [...] Conclusion Based on the information received, the documents examined, the activities observed and the interviews conducted, I concluded that the Cyber Support Detachment activities conducted under the authority of Part V.1 of the National Defence Act were in compliance with the law, ministerial direction, and CSE policies and procedures. [...] One of the changes made was the elimination of the 1987 Tri-Ministerial Memorandum of Understanding between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of National Defence and the Solicitor General (now Minister of Public Safety). [...] The objectives of my review were: • to acquire detailed knowledge of and to document CSE’s assistance to CSIS under section 16 of the CSIS Act and any changes since my office’s last in-depth review; and • to assess whether CSE activities complied with the law, including with the terms of the warrants issued to CSIS by the Federal Court.

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