(e) furthering the principle of the equality of oppor- The Commission is charged with the duty of in- tunities for persons, and equality in the exercise of vestigating complaints of discrimination on the above the legal rights of persons, regardless of their status; grounds and is given the power to resolve any such com- (f) conducting and encouraging research by per- plaints. [...] Upon seeing the of the spirit and the intent of the legislation , an attempt is landlord in person , the field worker, a native person, made to investigate the complaint and to effect a set- was told the house was being re-modelled. [...] Human Rights Officer questioned the landlord about his rental practices and explained the Under the supervision of the Director, the 6 Human work of the Commission and the relevant legislation. [...] Judge Hughes allowed the appeal and rever- stores in the province, advising of the provisions of sed the decision of the Commission. [...] Through the ef- was the decision of the Commission that this denial forts of the probation officer for the district, and the was due to Mr.
- Pages
- 23
- Published in
- Canada