cover image: Statement by Nuclear Waste Watch's Radioactive Waste Review Group


Statement by Nuclear Waste Watch's Radioactive Waste Review Group

22 Mar 2023

Maintain and update its legislative and regulatory regime, centered on an independent radioactive waste management and decommissioning agency and an independent nuclear regulator, to oversee and regulate radioactive waste management and decommissioning, including funding and operational requirements of approved waste management and decommissioning plans; Infrastructure and process 1.6. [...] Acknowledge, respect and honour that First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples have unique status and rights in Canada, as recognized and affirmed in the Constitution Act, 1982, and that the honour of the Crown guides the conduct of the Crown in all of its dealings, including consultation and engagement processes, and that the conduct of the Crown will be guided by any framework, measure or action pl. [...] Respect international guidance in the area of radioactive waste management and decommissioning and thus ban the in situ decommissioning (entombment) of reactors in respect of the directives of the International Atomic Energy Agency. [...] Ensure the protection of the public and the environment from impacts of the mining, processing, utilization, and possession and storage of nuclear materials and the use of nuclear technologies, including the immediate and long-term hazards of radioactive waste; 1.2. [...] WASTE PRODUCERS AND OWNERS, AND FACILITY OPERATORS SHALL: 1.1 Prevent and minimize the production of radioactive waste in the operations of their facilities and sites; 1.2.
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