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International Matters of Interest - International Meetings

27 Dec 2022

- The Global Division of Labour -- From Old Connections to New: concerning the future of individual sectors of the Russian economy and "the scale of the strategic tasks that the country faces as the new architecture of the world order emerges." - Financial Markets: What holds Value When There Is a Loss of Confidence?: concerning the search for "effective solutions in the banking sector, the develo. [...] The other question was the regime of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation that had been specially developed for the Far North." - Meeting of the Arctic Economic Council: The Chairmanship of the Council informs: "The expanded meeting of the Russian chapter of the Arctic Economic Council focused on key areas of cooperation with partners from Asia, including for the development of transportation. [...] It is an absurdity to claim that rule of law exists in Canada in the face of the exercise of police powers, where the rulers get to decide the crime and the punishment. [...] All of this is carried out in the name of "national security" and the "national interest." The anti-democratic measures being taken by Canada and others violate the right to conscience and the human right of speech, and form part of the broad anti-social offensive against the peoples' fight for empowerment and in defence of rights. [...] The wrecking of the forest industry in Canada which contributed to the recent flooding in BC, the criminalization and targeting of Indigenous people and environmental activists defending the irreplaceable old growth forests on unceded Indigenous lands, the projects to extract critical minerals for the U.
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