cover image: About this form - Submission Form Part I-Identification


About this form - Submission Form Part I-Identification

21 Feb 2023

Environmental impacts caused by the failure to effectively enforce the environmental laws under which the avocado is currently produced in Michoacán violate the human right to a healthy environment, set forth in Article 4 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, as well as the recent rulings of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the 2020 case OC 23/2017, Lhaka Honhat v. [...] The environmental damage caused by the avocado in Michoacán, due to inadequate and unenforced regulation, violates the resolution of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which, since October 2021, has recognized the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment (UN 2021), as well as the resolution of the UN General Assembly that recognizes access to a clean, healthy and sustainab. [...] The authority fails to comply with Article 99 of the LGDFS which provides: "The Ministry, with the participation of the Commission, will coordinate the land-use policy with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, to stabilize farming use, develop sustainable practices and prevent farm production from growing at the expense of forestry lands. [...] This is serious, since these failures to effectively enforce the environmental law are severely harming the forest, worsening climate change, causing severe harm to biodiversity and ecosystems, and are thus affecting Michoacán, the country, the North American region and the planet, in clear contradiction of the commitments established in Chapter 24 of the USMCA. [...] With respect to whether the matter has been communicated to the relevant authorities of the Party in question, and any response provided thereby, I hereby state as follows: In accordance with the Constitution, Article 8, and the Human Right to Information, the following was stated in a filing with Semarnat, through the National Transparency Platform: "1.


Marilou Nichols

Published in
