cover image: Nutrition Security Priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill


Nutrition Security Priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill

1 May 2023

Nutrition Security Priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) urges the following recommendations be implemented in the 2023 Farm Bill to mitigate hunger in the US, while simultaneously improving nutrition security. [...] The Low-Cost Food Plan is closer to the amount that low- and moderate-income families report needing to spend on food.16 o Strengthen the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program by increasing overall funds to $3 billion to continue national expansion in-store and online, reducing or eliminating the match requirement for more equitable distribution of funds and scalability, and allocating $3 bil. [...] Requiring guidelines would correct current nutritional quality disparities among USDA programs and ensure the charitable food system is receiving health-promoting, culturally appropriate food that would better address the needs of the populations served.18,19,20 o Increase The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) funding by indexing TEFAP to the Low-Cost Food Plan. [...] The FTFB supply chain is a key opportunity to fight hunger and increase nutritious donations while cutting food waste.21 The current funding is not enough to support the full extent of FTFB opportunities in each state.22,23,24 Allowing funds to be used for purchasing food and eliminating the match requirement can better support the participation of smaller producers and less resourced states.25 3. [...] o Requiring the USDA to evaluate the impact of the changes to FDPIR and TEFAP made through the 2018 Farm Bill.


Amy Nelms

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