cover image: 1. The Right to Housing and Canada’s Naonal Housing Strategy Act

1. The Right to Housing and Canada’s Naonal Housing Strategy Act

24 Apr 2023

The Right to Housing and Canada’s Naonal Housing Strategy Act Supported Recommendaons from UPR 3: 142.166 Adopt the Naonal Housing Strategy as soon as possible, taking into account the principles and recommendaons included in the most recent report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discriminaon in th. [...] The NHSA recognizes the right to housing as “a fundamental human right affirmed in internaonal law.” It states that “housing is essenal to the inherent dignity and well-being of the person,” and commits the federal government to “further the progressive realizaon of the right to adequate housing as recognized in the Internaonal Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.” ii 2. [...] A Naonal Housing Strategy was presented by the government in 2017 (two years prior to the passing of the NHSA), but to date has not been updated to reflect the right to housing as reflected in the ICESCR and required by the NHSA (see attached Appendix A entitled, Implementing the Right to Housing in Canada: Expanding the National Housing Strategy). [...] The NHSA also requires the appointment of: • A Federal Housing Advocate who receives and reviews submissions on systemic issues and submits findings and recommendaons to the Minister of Housing; • A Naonal Housing Council to advise the Minister on changes needed to the Naonal Housing Strategy; and • A Review Panel of three members, appointed by and from the Naonal Housing Council, to hold parcipat. [...] On November 2022, the Federal Housing Advocate issued a formal call to acon to the Minister of Housing for a revised Naonal Housing Strategy to be implemented in light of evidence presented by the Auditor General that the Strategy is far behind on its goals of halving core housing need and eliminang homelessness by 2030, and it is not meeng the needs of Indigenous peoples and disadvantaged groups..


Michele Biss

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