cover image: TABLE OF CONTENTS



9 Feb 2023

Together, these factors are known as the social determinants of health.2,3 The social determinants of health are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources, and are responsible for the differences in health status within and between communities and countries.4 Many decisions about how money, power, and resources are distributed are made at local, provincial, and national levels, and. [...] • The research findings have the potential to allow community to take direct action in the future to influence the systemic behaviours that have created or sustained a pressing health issue. [...] • Initial planning and discussion of a research project among potential team members including researchers, knowledge-users and/or partners to assess the viability of the research project and the partnership. [...] It may also help you get a sense of the amount of time the application is likely to take, and the type of information you’ll need to have ready. [...] The more specific you can be about all aspects of the project (how you plan to conduct the research, and the resources you’ll need), the easier it will be for the reviewers to decide.


Kristina Chan

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