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Trust Fund Statement – Ontario Power Generation 2022

31 Mar 2023

and to the Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Ontario Financing Authority Opinion We have audited the financial statements of The Ontario NFWA Trust (the “Trust”), which comprise the statement of net assets as at December 31, 2022, and the statement of operations and comprehensive (loss) income, statement of changes in net assets, and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and no. [...] As required under the NFWA, the owners of nuclear fuel waste established, by incorporation, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (Canada) (NWMO), whose purpose is to propose to the Government of Canada approaches for the management of nuclear fuel waste and to implement the approach that is selected by the Federal Government. [...] Further, the SIPP establishes the long-term target asset mix of the Trust, considered in the context of the Used Fuel Segregated Fund established pursuant to the Ontario Nuclear Funds Agreement (ONFA) between OPG and the Province of Ontario (the Province), and takes into account the funded status of the Used Fuel Segregated Fund and its investment objectives in relation to the projected profile of. [...] The realized gains and losses on the sale of securities are calculated with reference to the average cost of the securities and included in net realized gains or losses in the statements of operations and comprehensive (loss) income. [...] The year-end values of forward foreign exchange contracts receivable have been included in the investments in the statements of net assets, with the net unrealized gain or loss included as part of the net unrealized gains or losses in the statements of operations and comprehensive (loss) income.



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