cover image: ANALYSIS REPORT LAKES - GEF IW:Science Project



24 Apr 2012

Assessment of the current situation economics and costs of rehabilitating (re-fl ooding infra- and historical trends in the Caspian Sea Project (Project structure) the Persina and Kalimok-Brushlen Marshes 584) identifi ed that habitat and community modifi ca- (Project 1123) was carried out as part of assessment of tion exerts the greatest impact on the ecosystem of the possible actions. [...] The of pilot projects and case studies early in the project purpose of the project was explained, making clear the to develop an understanding of the issues and barriers. [...] The ecosystem resources, supported by clear and measureable proposed project was a demonstration activity that indicators of the outcomes and impact of projects and could be replicated in other similar areas of Moldova resulting programs, so that public, political and govern- and countries of the Black Sea region. [...] Their efforts led to the First International research and the outcomes of the various meetings Conference on the Conservation and Biodiversity of and workshops. [...] In the Lake Tanganyika Project (Project 398), there It is important to include NGOs and all stakeholders in were apparently issues with communication between the all phases of the project, and this is essential in develop- funding decision and the awarding of the contract (and ing effective and sustainable measures to improve public other issues surrounding the selection of the implemen- involveme.
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