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21 Jul 2020

This security crisis is compounded by climate change and the attendant diminishing of resources in the lake, which has long been the source of economic livelihood for the millions of people who inhabit the catchment areas.3 The impact of this is evidenced in the form of depleted ecosystems, water shortages, crop failures, livestock deaths, collapsed fisheries, soil infertility, food insecurity, an. [...] Response Strategies and the Challenge of Implementation and Coordination In response to the Lake Chad Basin’s dangerous nexus between extremist violence and environmental degradation, regional and international partners have developed and activated a number of strategies to mitigate the associated human security challenges. [...] Moreover, the lack of involvement of the indigenous population in the Commission’s work undermines the realization of adaptive water management measures.29 The Lake Chad Basin’s local populace, which has centuries-old history with the lake, possesses water and resource management knowledge that should be integrated into the LCBC’s planning of climate and water management adaptation efforts. [...] The region’s counterterrorism strategy is to create a secure environment in the areas affected by terrorist activity and facilitate implementation of the overall stabilization programs of the LCBC member states.30 This includes restoration of full state authority, return of IDPs and refugees, and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the affected populations in the region.31 The MNJTF enjoys stro. [...] For example, the African Union’s Peace and Security Council (PSC) endorsed the MNJTF in November 2014.32 Moreover, the severity of the terrorist threat to regional stability has also galvanized support from international partners such as the United States, France, and the European Union in the area of capacity building.
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