cover image: Basic Income: Calculating the Cost Savings and Downstream Benefits - Isobel M. Findlay, Suresh S. Kalagnanam,


Basic Income: Calculating the Cost Savings and Downstream Benefits - Isobel M. Findlay, Suresh S. Kalagnanam,

29 Apr 2023

Rethinking Who, What and What Metrics Matter The debate about basic income has gathered strength in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and a worldwide movement of Basic Income Networks. [...] Rethinking Who, What and What Metrics Matter In a legacy of modernizing processes, the talents of the racialized and marginalized continue to be wasted (Bauman, 2003) in ways as damaging to individuals and communities as to provincial and federal budgets. [...] Social Return on Investment Methodology The SROI represents the value of a BIG in the combined measures of the qualitative and financial data, stories shared about impacts that are hard to quantify and monetize and SROI ratios calculated in a currency (money) that is widely understood. [...] Further, in addition to the socio-economic, health, and other benefits, and the cost savings and cost avoidance they entail, they point to the CERB as evidence of government’s ability to implement such a program quickly and effectively. [...] Mapping the Impact An SROI gives a fuller sense of what traditional accounting is ill- equipped to capture: What price can we put on the peace of mind, the sense of dignity and autonomy, that is at the heart of so many impacts? How do we monetize the potential to slow rural depopulation and support sustainable agriculture? To increase equity in rural and remote communities? What price do.


Pham, Anh

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