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INSIGHT: SOUTH ASIA - Why India’s population boom could be a major

12 May 2023

MAY 12, 2023 INSIGHT: SOUTH ASIA Why India’s population boom could be a major boon for Canada THE TAKEAWAY IMPLICATIONS As India overtakes China as the world’s most India’s population boom is an opportunity for both populous country, it is important to consider the the Indian government and its foreign partners. [...] India’s role as spending, and rising investment in digitalization, a “critical partner” within Canada’s Indo-Pacific infrastructure, manufacturing, and the clean energy Strategy and the large Indian diaspora in Canada sector are propelling the country’s current growth. [...] population at 1.4286 billion people, beating out The UN data shows that the bulk of the Indian China — with a population of 1.4257 billion — population (68%) is aged 15 to 64, while Pew to become the world’s most populous country. [...] Even though the country faces educated, and largely middle-class population as a declining birthrate (and the possibility of political well as a government that is looking to fuel the imbalances resulting from that slowing birthrate), country’s economic growth and prosperity in the India’s population may not peak until 2047. [...] With has risen from 14 per cent in 2004-05 to 31 per cent multiple meetings leading up to the event, the in 2021, and it is expected to rise to 63 per cent multilateral forum for international economic of the population by 2047, making the country a co-operation will be a key opportunity for Canada and seemingly attractive market for Canadian exporters.
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