cover image: Building a Partnership for Transformational Change - Evaluation of the First Five Years of Implementation


Building a Partnership for Transformational Change - Evaluation of the First Five Years of Implementation

11 May 2023

These include managing the number of priority areas, developing and monitoring workplans, the focus of agendas for the Leaders and Senior Officials Committees, the timely scheduling of meetings and distribution of documents, orienting new committee and working group members, information management, and internal and external communication; and, Building a Partnership for Transformational Change | 5. [...] Partners The members of ICPC are elected Inuit and federal leaders, including the elected leaders of the four Inuit LCOs and ITK, the Prime Minister of Canada, and federal ministers selected in accordance with shared priority areas. [...] Advancing the relationship between the Inuit and the Government of Canada, including the recognition and advancement of Inuit rights? b. [...] Relationships and Coordination Among Inuit LCOs and ITK Interviews with leaders and staff of several Inuit LCOs and ITK suggest that ICPC has strengthened the relationships among the Inuit LCOs and with ITK. [...] Several Inuit and federal officials and leaders also highlighted the Inuit-Crown Co-Development Principles and the UNDRIP Act as important, complementary achievements because they have the potential to transform how the federal government and Inuit partners work together.


Anna Ziegler

Published in
