cover image: Year in Review 2022


Year in Review 2022

25 Apr 2023

In recognition of the important societal and environmental changes of the past several years, our Board made the In 2022, we also forged new ways of working, with a view decision to approve the gradual transition of our endowment to improve how we connect with our partners. [...] In 2022, our Board committed to deploy the entirety of our assets to generate measurable and positive 3,592 impact in our communities and affordable housing units for the environment. [...] The Circle contributes to positive change between philanthropic and Indigenous communities by creating *Note: In 2019, the Foundation contributed $175,000 over three spaces of learning, innovation, relationship-building, years to the CCAB for a project to develop a database of corporations committed to Indigenous procurement and a directory of certified co-creation and activation. [...] with compassion, respect and empathy to partners who give voice to this tragedy and recognize the need for an In 2022, the Foundation continued to engage with the ongoing commitment to support this multi-generational Collectif on policy priorities, and to share knowledge on topics work. [...] déclaration-dengagement • Explore new opportunities to support healing and reconciliation, as well as the implementation of the spirit, intent and content of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s findings and recommendations.
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