cover image: A Practical Guide to Support Public Health Management and Intervention in Case of Reports and Episodes of Drug Overdoses


A Practical Guide to Support Public Health Management and Intervention in Case of Reports and Episodes of Drug Overdoses

28 Apr 2023

his guide is intended to complement proven public health protection practices, such as those discussed in Québec’s reference framework for public health risk management (La gestion des risques en santé publique au Québec : cadre de référence). It deals specifically with the subject of drug overdoses and the particularities that distinguish their management from the usual risk management methods. The content is based on current practices related to public health investigations and interventions in situations where there are excess overdoses. Such practices have been applied previously, including during the overdose waves that took place in 2014 and 2015 in Montréal and in Québec City respectively. The composition of this guide is consistent with Axis 4 (management of health risks and threats and health emergency preparedness) and Axis 2 (adoption of lifestyles and creation of healthy and safe environments) of the Québec Public Health Program for 2015-2025, as well as with its resulting tripartite thematic action plan. It also aligns with the organizational priority of addressing the issue of "psychoactive substances” identified by the INSPQ in 2015.


Éric Langlois

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