cover image: Caring Society Submission to Tribunal re: Canada's May 10 Letter Submissions


Caring Society Submission to Tribunal re: Canada's May 10 Letter Submissions

24 May 2023

Discussions P a g e | 2 between Canada, the AFN, and the Caring Society regarding these concerns led to the implementation of a “Back to Basics” approach, agreed to as part of the Agreement in Principle reached in late 2021.1 Implementation of the “Back to Basics” approach has not, however, resolved all concerns regarding Canada’s implementation of Jordan’s Principle. [...] [Emphasis added.] From the Caring Society’s perspective, there are three main issues here: (1) the “registered” criterion is out of step with the history of the FNCFS Program; (2) irrespective of this “registered population on reserve” criterion or the history of the FNCFS Program, the government department of first contact is still obligated to pay for services under Jordan’s Principle; and (3) a. [...] Instead, the FNCFS Transitional Terms and Conditions P a g e | 7 indicate that: 3.1 Purpose The FNCFS program is intended to provide resources and funding to support the holistic and culturally appropriate delivery of prevention and protection services to meet the needs of children, youth and families ordinarily resident on reserve or in the Yukon. [...] Instead, FNCFS Agencies are often left without recourse: the FNCFS Agency may be unaware that the First Nations children and youth they are serving could access services under Jordan’s Principle or the FNCFS Agency is required to start a new application process, with different requirements, which, in the result, delays the delivery of the service to the First Nations child or youth. [...] Further, “[s]upervisors at both departments have the delegated authority to manage and assess the performance of each of their employees and to support their learning and development plans, including cultural competency learning.” The Caring Society has concerns about the sufficiency of this allotted training and the impact, if any, it will have in correcting the old mindset at ISC.



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